Movebot supports all of the major data platforms, learn about the details of them in relation to data migrations and Movebot
Learn how to connect to a Dropbox Business or Dropbox Teams account.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Dropbox Business and Dropbox Teams through the Dropbox API. Connecting to Dropbox uses OAuth to authorize.
To connect to Dropbox Personal see Other Connectors
To connect to Dropbox Business online in Movebot you will need:
To have access to the account owner account in Dropbox, or an Administrator
The Dropbox account must be licensed
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Dropbox Business from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the email address of your administrator account
Click Connect to Dropbox and authorize the connection through the popup window. You will be required to log in to Dropbox. Make sure you log in with the same account that you specified above.
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot supports bi-directional and tenant to tenant migrations with Dropbox Business. Below are common errors and questions related to scanning and migrating Dropbox Business data.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Dropbox and is well-maintained.
User Drives
Fully Supported
Shared Folders
Fully Supported
Team Workspace (Team Drives)
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Tags: dropboxfullbusiness
Learn how to connect to Sharepoint Online with Application Access
We are now recommending connecting to SharePoint with Application Access. This involves setting up a new application in Azure.
For best results when connecting to SharePoint Online in Movebot using Application Access, we recommend the following permissions:
A Global Administrator service account in Azure
The Global Administrator account is licensed
You have the SharePoint domain/hostname on hand.
If you are unable to connect as a Global Administrator, contact us for alternative configuration options.
To connect to SharePoint you'll need to create an application in Azure, then use that application to connect Movebot and SharePoint.
If you're migrating data within a single tenant, create separate application registrations for the source and destination connections to avoid rate limiting.
When creating an application in Azure it can sometimes take a few minutes for the settings to populate. If testing the connection in Movebot is producing errors, give it a minute or so and then retest.
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
Choose to Create new Connection
Select Sharepoint from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the non-admin SharePoint domain in the field required
Name the application. Keep the other fields as default and click Register.
Copy the Application ID from the "Overview" section and paste it into Movebot.
In Azure in the Application permissions, click API Permissions --> Add a Permission. Select Microsoft Graph, then Application Permissions.
Enable the following Permissions:
Next add the access, under Azure in the Application permissions, click API Permissions --> Add a Permission. Select Sharepoint, then Application Permissions.
Select the following permissions:
Grant admin consent and finish the consent process.
Generating the client secret
Under the application configuration:
Click Certificates and Secrets -- > Client Secrets -- > New Client Secret. Provide a description and Add. Copy the Secret from the "Value" Field.
Return to Movebot and Paste the Secret "Value" into the appropriate field
Upload the certificates from Movebot
Finally, you will need to generate and download the client certificate from Movebot and upload it to Azure for authentication.
Under Step 3: click the button Generate and Download Certificate. You should get a PEM file download from Movebot.
In Azure - Click Certificates and Secrets -- > Certificates -- > Upload Certificate
Upload the file created in step 1
The thumbprint in Azure should match the one shown in Movebot
Return to Movebot and Click Save and Test connection in Movebot.
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue.
Movebot supports migrations to and from SharePoint Online as part of Microsoft 365. Below is a list of common issues users encounter during SharePoint migrations, along with troubleshooting guidance and answers to frequently asked questions.
Tags: sharepoint
Connecting to Google Workspace is fast to set up and fully supported in Movebot.
Movebot uses the Google Drive API with delegate access, and we provide everything you need for quick authorization in Google Admin. Connecting to Google Workspace by delegate access provides Movebot access to user data and shared drives in the Google Workspace domain and full support for migrating Google Drive content.
To connect Movebot to Google Workspace, you will need:
A Google Workspace administrator account
To be familiar with the Google Admin Centre
To have access to the Shared Drives you wish to migrate
When configuring a new connection, select Google Workspace from the list of available connection types and give the connection a name
Enter your Google administrator account email address
Enter your domain (find this under "Manage domains" in Google Admin) .
Click "Create Service Account" - this will generate a Client ID
Use this Client ID when configuring domain-wide delegation in the Admin console, required to allow Movebot to access necessary data for migrations. Include the following OAuth scopes:
Test the connection
Movebot supports migrations of MyDrive and Shared Drive data within Google Workspace tenants. Below are common GWS Drive-specific errors, their resolutions, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Google Workspaces and is well-maintained.
Tags: googledrive_domain
Learn to connect to an Egnyte account.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Egnyte through the Egnyte API. Connecting to Egnyte uses OAuth to authorize.
To connect to an Egnyte account in Movebot, you will need:
To have access to an administrator account in Egnyte
To have sufficient privileges to the content you want to migrate
The Egnyte tenant must be licensed
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Egnyte from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide your Egnyte subdomain.
Your Egnyte subdomain is the domain prefix that you use when logging into Egnyte. For example, for the domain "movebotest.egnyte.com", you would use "movebotest"
Click Connect to Egnyte and authorize the connection through the popup window.
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot has comprehensive support for Egnyte and is well-maintained.
Tags: egnyte
Learn how to connect to a Microsoft Windows File Server with Movebot
Movebot supports Microsoft Windows using a lightweight agent that is installed directly on the file server, another server, or on a virtual machine.
The agent uses a shared token for authentication and communicates with Movebot's infrastructure via secure HTTPS calls. The Windows agent does not require any port forwarding or static IP addressing for migrations and is very simple to set up and run.
We do not recommend installing the agent directly on the target file server. If possible, use a VM and connect via mapped network drives.
The agent can be run in a standalone fashion or as a service. For security reasons, we recommend not running the agent as a service during migrations.
To connect Movebot to Microsoft Windows, you need:
Remote access via RDP to the fileserver or a suitable VM
To be running Windows 10 or above
To have an administrator account
A reliable internet connection
A minimum of 16GB and 2 cores on the host or virtual machine
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Microsoft Windows/Apple OSX from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Movebot will provide an Agent Connection token. Copy this token and download the agent. This token is only viewable once so be sure to copy it when viewing it.
Login to the remote Windows file server as an administrator
Install the agent and launch it
Paste the identifier token provided in Movebot and click Connect. After a few seconds, the status indicator should change to show it's connected.
Return to the Movebot interface, and Click Save and Test
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot has comprehensive support for Microsoft Windows and is well-maintained.
Tags: agent
Learn how to connect to a Google Workspace Gmail Account
Connecting to Google Workspaces for Mailbox migrations is fast to set up and fully supported in Movebot. Movebot uses the Google API with Delegate API Access.
Currently, we do not support native API connections for personal Gmail. To connect to personal Gmail accounts, use the IMAP connector.
Connecting to Google Workspaces by Delegate access provides access to User Data and Shared Drives in the Google Workspace Domain and full support for migrating Drive content.
To connect Movebot to Google Workspace Gmail, you will need:
To have a Google Workspaces Administrator Account
To be familiar with the Google Admin Center
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Google Workspaces Gmail from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide an email address for an administrator account.
Provide the primary domain for your Google Workspace tenant
Click "Create Service Account"
Copy the identifier for the service account (created as part of the process above)
Search for "API Controls" in Google Admin
Click "Manage Domain Wide Delegation"
Click Add New
Provide the "client id" copied from Movebot as the client id
Provide the session scopes, (copy-paste from below)
Save the new client connection in Google and return to Movebot
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot supports Google Workspace Mail migrations, including user mailboxes and calendar events. Below are common errors and frequently asked questions related to GWS Mail.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Google Workspaces and is well-maintained.
Tags: googleworkspaces_gmail
Learn how to connect to a Box account.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Box through the Box API. Connecting to Box uses OAuth to authorize.
To connect to Box in Movebot you will need:
To have either Admin or Co-Admin access rights to Box
To migrate all users, Admin access is required
The Box tenant must be licensed
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Box from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Click Connect to Box and authorize the connection through the popup window
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot supports Box migrations for individual users and entire organizations. Below are common issues and questions related to scanning and migrating data from Box.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Box and is well-maintained.
Tags: box
Learn how to connect to an Outlook Online (Office 365) account.
Connecting to Outlook/0365 for Mailbox migrations is fast to set up and fully supported in Movebot. For this type of connection, Movebot uses the legacy EWS API.
This connection type has the advantage that it does not send calendar notifications during a migration.
To connect Movebot to Outlook/0365, you will need:
To have Global Admin access to Azure
To be familiar with the configuring applications in Azure.
There are two steps to this process. The first is creating the application in Azure with the correct permissions. Next is configuring the connection in Movebot.
First, login to Azure as an administrator for your domain, and navigate to App Registrations.
Click New Registration
Specify a name for the new application. Leave the remaining fields as default, then click Register.
Make a note of the Application (Client) ID. This will be entered into your Movebot configuration.
Make a note of the Tenant ID. This will be needed in Movebot
Configure the permissions. Click API Permissions --> Add a Permission.
Select APIs my organisation uses, then search for Office 365 Exchange Online.
Select Application Permissions
And then check the permissions detailed below:
Click Grant admin consent for Couchdrop Demo and follow the consent process
Click Certificates and Secrets --> Client Secrets --> New Client Secret
Copy the Client Secret Value
The EWS API does not allow access to the user database without an additional role.
Find Discovery Management
Add your admin user to the role.
Note: This role can take up to 24 hours to be reflected in the API. If you need to move forward immediately you can still do so without this role, you will need to map the users using the prefix manually mailbox:
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Office 365 Outlook (via EWS) from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide your tenant id. This is a UUID found when configuring the application.
Provide the Application Client ID copied from the configuration step above
Provide the Application Client Secret from the steps above
Provide the admin users email address
Movebot supports migrations too/from Outlook/Exchange Online for Microsoft 365. Below are common errors, causes, and resolutions, along with answers to frequently asked questions.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Outlook Online (Office 365) and is well-maintained.
Tags: office365outlook
Learn how to connect Movebot to Citrix ShareFile.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Citrix ShareFile through the ShareFile API. Connecting to ShareFile uses OAuth to authorize.
To connect to ShareFile in Movebot you will need:
To have Admin access rights to ShareFile
The ShareFile tenant must be licensed
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Citrix Sharefile from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Click Connect to Sharefile and authorize the connection through the popup window. Enter the account's subdomain prefix and click continue.
Your ShareFile subdomain is the domain prefix that you use when logging into ShareFile. For example, for the domain "movebotest.sharefile.com", you would use "movebotest"
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot has comprehensive support for ShareFile and is well-maintained.
Tags: sharefile
Learn how to connect to Amazon WorkDocs
Connecting to Amazon WorkDocs is fast to set up and supported as a source connection in Movebot.
Amazon WorkDocs is only supported as a source. Setting it as a destination will throw an error.
To connect Movebot to an Amazon WorkDocs you will need:
To generate an AWS access key
To know the organization ID and region for the site you wish to transfer
Log in to Movebot, choose Create New Connection, select Amazon WorkDocs as the connection, and set a name.
Generate AWS access keys with the following permissions as minimum
Set the Access Key ID, Access Key Secret, the site's Organization ID, and the region it belongs to. The Organization ID can be copied from the WorkDocs sites table in AWS
Save and Test connection in Movebot
Movebot is currently working on adding comprehensive support as a source for Amazon WorkDocs and is well-maintained
Tags: aws_workdocs
Learn how to connect to Autodesk BIM 360 Docs.
Connect to BIM 360 Docs and set it as the source or destination to start migrating your files.
To connect Movebot to BIM 360 Docs you will need:
Account Admin access to BIM360
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task.
When configuring the source or destination, choose Create New Connection.
Select BIM 360 Docs from the list of available connections and set the connection name.
Provide BIM 360 API access to your BIM 360 Docs account by following these steps:
If you have access to more than one account, select an account.
Click Settings, and select the Custom Integrations tab.
From the Custom Integrations screen, click the Add Custom Integration button.
From the Add Custom Integration screen, select Document Management, and click Next.
From the Add Custom Integration screen, select I'm the developer option, and click Next.
Enter the Forge Client ID 0rY4yx0hc4JJOTxwkxykpZZkxAJip3ayph2CUHrLwLVQHAyt
, and the App Name, and select the I have saved the Account ID information securely checkbox. Optionally add an App Description and App Logo.
Click Save. The name of the app will appear in the Custom Integrations screen.
Click Link to BIM 360 Docs and authorize the connection through the popup window.
Save and Test the connection in Movebot.
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue.
Movebot currently has partial support for BIM 360 Docs.
Tags: bim360
You can also follow our .
Login to Azure as a Global Administrator and register a new application at
Resolution: Check that the correct Client ID is being used. Refer to Step 7 of the , to confirm you have provided the proper ID.
Resolution: Generate the necessary certificate and upload it to the registered application in Entra. Refer to "Upload the certificates from Movebot" section of
Pre-provision the user’s OneDrive using PowerShell ().
To connect a personal Google Drive account see
For detailed instructions on how to set this up, see
Resolution: To avoid this, either manually specify the path or use a CSV import that references the drive by its ID using the /teamdriveid:<drive_id>
prefix. This ensures the drive is accessed directly and unambiguously. .
Note: Due to limitations in the Google API, documents larger than 11MB cannot be exported into Microsoft Office formats. These files will either be skipped or need to be downloaded manually. .
For a full list of requirements, see
Login to Google Admin -
source,destination /mailbox:user@domain.com/@MAIL/Important Mail,/mailbox:user@new-domain.com/@MAIL
Answer: Box may not always display accurate or up-to-date file and folder counts due to a known platform limitation. For more details, refer to Box’s .
While not required, you can potentially increase speeds by
Resolution: If you're unable to assign the Discovery Management role, use a to map your transfers. This Discovery Management role is only required for listing available mailboxes/automatic transfer mappings. It will not prevent migration.
Resolution: Review steps 7–10 of the to confirm that the required API scopes have been correctly configured and admin consent has been granted.
Log in to .
Learn how to connect Movebot to different storage engines.
Features Overview
Learn about using Movebot for different data lifecycles and management tasks.
Using Movebot
Learn about the different stages and capabilities of Movebot.
Platform Guides
Learn about the intricacies of common cloud platforms and how to manage them.
Troubleshoot Movebot. Learn about common issues and errors.
SharePoint Document Libraries
Fully Supported
OneDrive Users
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Shared Drives
Fully Supported
User Drives
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
User Drives
Fully Supported
Shared Folders
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Network Drives
Fully Supported
Source Only
Not Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Email Messages and Folders
Fully Supported
Private Calendars
Fully Supported
Shared Calendars
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
User Drives
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Email Messages and Folders
Fully Supported
Public Folders
Fully Supported
In-Place Archive
Fully Supported
Private Calendars
Fully Supported
Shared Calendars
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
User Drives
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Not Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Users, Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Projects files and folders
Fully Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Learn how to connect to an IMAP server.
Currently, IMAP is only supported as a source.
Movebot can connect to any mailbox that supports an IMAP connection, including personal Gmail accounts.
Movebot connects to IMAP servers by you providing the Hostname and Port and a Username and Password combination.
To connect Movebot to an IMAP Server you will need:
Hostname and Port for the IMAP server
A Username and Password for each source account
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select IMAP Server from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the Hostname for the IMAP server. Update the Port number if required.
Provide a Test/Default Username and Password. Note that IMAP credentials can be overridden per transfer, which allows you to configure and manage projects with multiple user accounts
Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
When moving to/from an IMAP server, you can provide credentials for each user directly in the CSV file by specifying a "source_secret" and/or "destination_secret" column.
To add a CSV file with multiple users, within a project click Add Transfer and then Import Transfer from CSV in the dropdown.
The format for these columns shown below.
Example (IMAP source):
For help with CSV mappings, get in touch with support via support@movebot.io
Movebot has comprehensive support for IMAP servers and is well-maintained.
Email Messages and Folders
Fully Supported
Tags: imap
Learn how to connect to an Amazon S3 account
Movebot supports moving files to and from Amazon S3 buckets, as well as moving data between S3 buckets.
To connect to Amazon S3 in Movebot you will need:
To have access to an S3 account
S3 Access Key and S3 Access Key Secret
When configuring a new connection, select Amazon S3 from the list of available connection types and give the connection a name.
Provide the S3 Access Key and S3 Access Key Secret, and optionally enter your S3 bucket name. For instructions on creating access keys, see this AWS guide.
In Movebot, select Save and Test Connection
Movebot has comprehensive support for Amazon S3 and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Tags: s3 s3_compatible
Learn how to connect to Backblaze B2
Movebot supports moving files and folders to and from Backblaze B2.
To connect to Backblaze B2 in Movebot you will need:
To have access to a Backblaze B2 account
An application key with read and write permissions
When configuring the source or destination, select Backblaze B2 from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide your Backblaze Key ID and Master Key
In Backblaze B2, this can be found under Application Keys. You may need to generate another key to view the Master Key. Copy both the Key ID and the Master Key into Movebot
When generating your key, ensure your key has 'Read and Write' permissions. This will allow Movebot to have access to your bucket and move data.
Provide your Backblaze Bucket ID
In Backblaze B2, this can be found underneath Buckets
In Movebot, select Save and Test Connection
Movebot has comprehensive support for Backblaze B2 and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Tags: backblazeb2
Learn how to connect to Azure Files
Movebot supports moving files and folders to and from Azure Files.
To connect to Azure Files in Movebot you will need:
To have access to an Azure account with the Storage File Data Privileged Contributor Role
Access Keys for the Azure Storage Account
The file share name from Azure
When configuring a new connection, select Azure Files from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the Azure account name and account key
In Azure, you can find this by navigating to Storage Accounts and selecting the Storage Account you want to connect to. Then navigate to Access Keys. There you can copy the storage account name, and one of the access keys
You also need to provide the file share name of the file share that you want to use
In Azure, you can find this inside the Storage Account you want to connect to, and then navigate to File shares
Ensure your Azure Storage Account has the necessary permissions for Movebot to access your data
This can be found in Azure by selecting Access Control (IAM) and assigning the role Storage File Data Privileged Contributor to your account to allow Movebot to read and write your file shares
In Movebot, select Save and Test Connection
Movebot has comprehensive support for Azure Files and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Tags: azure
Learn how to connect to a personal Dropbox account.
Movebot supports connecting to a personal Dropbox account through the Dropbox API. Connecting to Dropbox uses OAuth to authorize.
To connect to Dropbox Business or Dropbox Teams see Dropbox Business
To connect to Dropbox Personal in Movebot you need:
To be the account owner or have access to the Dropbox Personal Account
The Dropbox account must be licensed
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Dropbox Personal from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Click Connect to Dropbox and authorize the connection through the popup window. You will be required to log in to Dropbox. Make sure you login with the same account that you specified above.
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot has comprehensive support for Dropbox and is well-maintained.
User Drives
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Tags: dropbox
Learn how to connect to a pCloud account
Connecting to pCloud is fast to set up and supported as a source connection in Movebot.
pCloud is only supported as a source. Setting it as a destination will throw an error.
To connect to pCloud in Movebot you will need:
Username and password for the pCloud account or be able to connect via OAuth
When configuring a new connection, select pCloud from the list of available connection types and give the connection a name.
Connect to pCloud by clicking 'Link to pCloud' button, and log in to pCloud in the popup that comes up
After a successful login, click Save and Test Connection in Movebot
In pCloud, it is only possible to connect a single user per connection, and impersonation via an admin user is not supported within pCloud. In order to transfer multiple users, a separate pCloud Storage Connection and project will need to be created for each user.
Movebot has comprehensive support for pCloud and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Supported as Source only
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Tags: pcloud
Learn how to connect to Azure Blob
Movebot supports moving files and folders to and from Azure Blob storage.
To connect to Azure Blob in Movebot you will need:
To have access to an Azure account with the Storage Blob Data Contributor role
Access Keys for the Azure Storage Account
The container name from Azure
When configuring a new connection, select Azure Blob from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the Azure account name and account key
In Azure, you can find this by navigating to Storage Accounts and selecting the Storage Account you want to connect to. Then navigate to Access Keys. There you can copy the storage account name and one of the access keys
You also need to provide the container name that you want to use
In Azure, you can find this inside the Storage Account you want to connect to, and then navigate to Containers
Ensure your Azure Storage Account has the necessary permissions for Movebot to access your data
This can be found in Azure by selecting Access Control (IAM) and assigning the role Storage Blob Data Contributor to your account to allow Movebot to read and write your blob containers
In Movebot, select Save and Test Connection
Movebot has comprehensive support for Azure Blob and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Tags: azureblob
Learn how to connect to Wasabi
Movebot supports moving files and folders to and from Wasabi.
To connect to Wasabi in Movebot you will need:
To have access to a Wasabi account with the AmazonS3FullAccess policy
The name of the Wasabi Bucket and its region name
An Access Key from Wasabi and Wasabi Access Secret Key
When configuring the source or destination, select Wasabi from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the region that your Wasabi bucket is located in and the bucket name
This can be found in Wasabi under Buckets
Provide an access key and secret key from Wasabi. To do this the user will need to have the AmazonS3FullAccess policy
In Wasabi, navigate to Access Keys and select 'Create Access Key'
Copy and paste the access and secret key from Wasabi into Movebot
In Movebot, select Save and Test Connection
Movebot has comprehensive support for Wasabi and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Tags: wasabi
Learn how to connect to an SFTP server
Movebot supports connecting to an SFTP server as a source and destination.
To connect to an SFTP server in Movebot you will need:
The hostname and port of the SFTP server
An SFTP username with password or private key
When configuring the source or destination, select SFTP from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the hostname and port for your SFTP server
Provide your username
Provide your password or private key (or both)
Select Save and Test Connection
Movebot has comprehensive support for SFTP and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Learn how to connect to a personal user's Google Drive account.
Connecting to Google Workspaces is fast to set up and fully supported in Movebot. Movebot uses the OAuth to authorize the connection.
Connecting to a Google Workspace account is different. See Google Workspace Drives for more information.
To connect to a Google Drive personal drive in Movebot you need:
To be the account owner or have access to the Google Drive account
The Google Drive account must be licensed
Login to Movebot and create a new project or task
When configuring the source or destination, choose to Create new Connection
Select Google Drive (Personal) from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Click to Link to Google
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
If the connection has succeeded, you can continue
Movebot has comprehensive support for Google Workspaces and is well-maintained.
User Drives
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Automatic Sanitization
Fully Supported
Tags: googledrive
Learn how to connect to Google GCS (Google Cloud Storage)
Movebot supports moving files and folders to and from Google Cloud Storage.
To connect to Google GCS in Movebot you will need:
To have access to a Google GCS account with Storage Admin access
The name of the Google Cloud bucket
When configuring the source or destination, select Google Cloud from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide the name of your Google Cloud bucket
This can be found under Cloud Storage -> Buckets within Google Cloud
Upload your JSON service account file
This can be found in Google Cloud under IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts -> [Service Account Name] -> Keys
Ensure the Service Account has Storage Admin access so that Movebot has all the necessary permissions to migrate files
Select Add Key, and ensure the type is JSON
Upload this JSON document to Movebot
After uploading the JSON document, select Save and test the connection
Movebot has comprehensive support for Google GCS and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Tags: gcloud
Learn how to connect to an Exchange Server
Movebot connects to Exchange Servers using service account credentials and the server hostname.
Connecting Movebot to the Exchange Server requires giving Movebot permissions to access data.
To connect Movebot to Exchange, you will need:
Exchange Server credentials and server hostname
Service account with Discovery Management Role
Login to Movebot, choose Create New Connection, choose Microsoft Exchange (EWS), and set the connection name.
Provide the username for the service account, typically in the format of <username>@<exchange_domain>
, e.g. Administrator@<exchange_domain>
Provide the password for the service account and the Exchange Server hostname.
Provide Discovery Management permissions to the service account following these steps.
Log in to your Exchange Admin Center (Exchange Control Panel), which can be accessed through the web at <domain_hosting_exchange>/ecp
Log in to the administrator account
Select the 'permissions' tab within the Exchange Control Panel
Under Admin Roles select Discovery Management and click the '+'. button.
Under members, add the user you are using on the Movebot configuration, then click save. It will take a few minutes for the new changes to reflect.
If permissions are incorrectly configured, Movebot will show the error message "The caller has not assigned any of the RBAC roles requested in the management role header".
Click Save and Test connection in Movebot
Movebot supports migration from Exchange On-Prem environments. Below are common errors users may encounter, along with troubleshooting steps and frequently asked questions.
Movebot has comprehensive support for Exchange and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Email Messages and Folders
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Public Folders
Fully Supported
Tags: exchange
Learn about the scan tool in Movebot
Data discovery is an important aspect of migrations and data lifecycle management. If you don't have the full picture in terms of your data, it is very hard to be able to perform any management tasks on that dataset. Movebot provides a fundamental tool to help solve this problem and provide detailed visibility into your dataset.
Scans provide an aggregate and tree view of your connected storage engine. You are then able to navigate through that tree to view:
File and folder counts
Largest file and folders
File types
Duplicate files
Sharing and permission information
Empty folders
Recently modified files and folders
Potential migration issues
You can also use the scan to search for files and folders that match certain conditions.
Scans can be executed on a single transfer or a complete project. Project discovery scans are useful as they provide the basis for a migration project and can be used to assist in reorganising data during the migration.
Learn how to connect to SharePoint online via Application Access
This page has moved to SharePoint Online
Tags: sharepoint
Learn about calendar migrations with Movebot
Movebot takes an unusual approach to calendar migrations, using the same mechanics of storage migrations for mail, calendar, and contacts. Because of this, we recommend that you read through Data Migrations with Movebot as a precursor to reading this.
Because transferring or migrating calendar data uses the same process as emails and contacts, simply follow the existing guide for
To begin transferring calendars, you need to enable calendars. You can do this by clicking on a project, navigating to settings, then content options. There you will see checkboxes to include calendars/contacts. Make sure these are checked to be able to move calendars/contacts.
If you enable calendars, some more options for migrating your calendar pop up.
Include External Events (Not Recommended)
This includes all events if checked, including events not owned by the user. Keeping this unchecked prevents event duplication
Include External/Shared Calendars (Not Recommended)
This includes all calendars if checked, including calendars not owned by the user. Keeping this unchecked prevents event duplication
Ignore Events Older than 7 days (Recommended)
This will ignore events that were created more than 7 days ago. This is typically preferred, to avoid moving old events. You can uncheck this box to include all events in the migration
Configure Event Attendee Mapping (Optional)
Transferring an event re-invites the current attendees on that event when it is created in the destination.
Configuring Events Attendee Mappings allows you to provide mappings for the attendee emails on those events, so that for example all emails ending in @movebot.io are mapped to @newmovebot.io in the destination, and event invites are sent there instead.
What properties get maintained when transferring a calendar event? - We aim to maintain as many properties on events as possible. These properties include the name, description, start/end times, recurrence information, attendees, the time the event was created & last updated, reminders, location, status, event type and original start time.
Learn about Mail, Calendar and Contact migrations in Movebot
Movebot takes an unusual approach to mail migrations, using the same mechanics of Storage Migrations for mail, calendar, and contacts. Because of this, we recommend that you read through Data Migrations with Movebot as a precursor to reading this.
Movebot currently has support for:
Email from individual users and shared mailboxes
Private and shared calendars
Tasks (Coming Soon)
In the following platforms:
When configuring a mailbox migration in Movebot, there are a couple of key concepts that we have adopted to help make the process simple. It's useful to quickly skim through them to understand how we approach mailbox transfers differently.
Using Movebot to perform email, calendar, and contact migrations uses the same process as with Data Migrations with Movebot.
Movebot extracts email, calendars, and contacts so that they behave like files and folders. This approach is a bit unusual, but has some key benefits. One benefit is that mailbox migrations support delta migrations natively, another is that mailboxes can be transferred to normal file storage, allowing you to back up mail with Movebot.
A major advantage to our approach is that Mailboxes can be cherry-picked. Because Movebot works with your mailbox as if it's a filesystem, you can pick and choose what content you move and use Movebot to reorganize and ignore certain folders inside mailboxes. This means you can include/exclude based on a filter or move mail between labels, users, and inboxes.
Deltas move new emails automatically, without a hard cutover
The delta functionality in Movebot is an overlooked gem. Most migration tools require a hard cutover, but with Movebot, the cutover process can be managed by the admin in a way that best suits them.
In Movebot, delta migrations iteratively migrate changes that have occurred since the first transfer using the modification time and some other smarts by looking at a scan of both the source and the destination.
During a delta migration, Movebot will only transfer emails that have either been updated or newly created in the source.
Deltas can be ran as many times as needed, including months after the project was initially set up.
Because transferring or migrating mailbox data uses the same process as files, simply follow the existing guide for Data Migrations with Movebot.
With Movebot, cutover is simplified by delta migrations. Migrations and transfers can be run continuously until the customer has stopped using the data in the source.
Yes. Mail, calendar, and contact migrations require a separate project to data migrations because they require a different level of access.
Mail migrations are billed exactly the same as data migrations: per GB of data transferred.
All emails will show as "read" in the destination.
You can migrate mail and calendars together, but your migration will go faster if you separate them into their own projects.
These will be treated as normal mailboxes.
Learn how to Movebot's scan results.
Movebot provides a bunch of standardized reports, but it is also possible to create your own reports using the search console under the files/folders view and search for files or folders.
Under Files/Folders you can see all files and folders discovered in the scan. You can then use the filter to search for files/folders to find specific items.
You can manually use search expressions as below.
{files.is_dir == true}
Only match directories
{files.depth > 10}
Match files/directories that are greater than 10 directories deep
{files.depth < 10}
Match files/directories that are less than 10 directories deep
{files.size < 1024}
Match files smaller than 1KB
{files.size > 1024}
Match files larger than 1KB
{files.extension == "png"}
Match files with the extension .png
{files.modtime > 1602629811}
Match files modified after the unix timestamp provided
{files.modtime < 1602629811}
Match files modified before the unix timestamp provided
You can join queries together with an "and" operator:
Spaces and character cases are important and currently there is limited error handling.
Learn how to add network mappings for file servers
We recommend using mapped network drives when migrating from a Windows file server as they are more robust than direct UNC mappings, but Movebot supports both methods.
UNC shares can only be configured manually and require a bit of syntactical magic. When adding a mapping from the project, click Configure folder paths manually then specify the UNC path to the remote server using the format shown in the example below.
For clarity, see the breakdown below:
This is the hostname of the target file-sharing server you are connecting to.
If the original UNC path was \\SERVER2\SharedFolder, this is where SERVER2 came from.
The file share on the server
Learn about how Movebot scans permissions.
As part of a scan, permissions will be scanned from the source. You can then use the scan results to inspect the permissions on the source. Make sure check Enable File/Folder Permission Preservation during setup to use this feature.
To check the permissions on an individual file or folder, go to Discovery Scan within your project, highlight your target item, and click *Details, then Sharing.
Additionally to the reporting available in the front end, you can download two reports on file permissions:
Permissions Report
A CSV export of all permissions detected on the source by file and folder.
Applied Permissions Report
A CSV export of applied permissions
Learn about how Movebot handles Deltas and changed files.
In active environments, it’s common for files to be added or updated during a migration. Movebot’s Delta Migration feature helps keep your destination up to date by copying only the files that have been added or modified since the last transfer.
Delta Migrations compare the source and destination using each file’s modification time (modtime). Only files that are new or have a more recent modtime on the source will be transferred. This reduces duplication and speeds up the process by skipping files that haven't changed.
Important: Movebot does not delete or move files at the destination. If you rename, move, or delete files or folders in the source, those changes will not be reflected in the destination. To avoid duplication or confusion, we recommend avoiding major restructuring during the migration process.
To enable Delta Migrations across all runs:
Go to Step 4 in your project settings.
Enable the “Only Include Changed Files/Objects” option.
This ensures Movebot will compare the source and destination before each transfer and skip any files that haven’t changed. Note: This option may increase scan time, but reduces transfer time by focusing only on what’s changed.
You can manually launch a Delta Migration at any time. Here’s how:
Open your project.
Select the job(s) you want to run a Delta for.
Click Launch Scan or Transfer.
Choose Start Delta Migration.
Delta runs may take slightly longer to scan but are much faster during the transfer stage than full migrations. They can be run as often as needed and are particularly helpful for:
Catching files that were created or updated during a prior transfer
Cleaning up certain error types, such as:
Unknown errors
Learn about how Movebot handles Failures and Errors.
While Movebot is designed to be reliable, occasional failures can happen—especially when dealing with varying cloud platforms and environments. The good news? Most issues are easy to fix, and failures are nothing to be afraid of.
We’re here to help you handle them with ease.
If you have a finished transfer with outstanding failures, your first action should be to Resume Job / Rerun Failures. This simply resets the status of any failed files and tries again. This action does not require a re-scan of the source data.
To rerun failures:
Open your project and select any jobs that have failures.
Click Launch Scan or Transfer.
Select Resume Job / Rerun Failures.
This often clears up transient or permission-based issues with minimal effort.
If some failures persist—particularly with error types such as unknown errors, file-not-found, or checksum-mismatch—running a Delta Migration can be helpful.
Delta migrations scan for and retry transferring files that have changed, or failed previously, without reprocessing files that have already migrated successfully.
To start a delta migration:
Open the project and select any jobs that have failures.
Click Launch Scan or Transfer.
Select Start Delta Migration.
This is a safe and efficient way to retry specific problem files without restarting the entire job.
Movebot displays detailed failure information in the admin interface, including the original error message returned from the cloud platform. This can help pinpoint the reason a file failed to transfer.
If the reason for failure remains unclear, we’re happy to assist.
📩 Contact support at support@movebot.io Our team can review the issue and guide you to a solution.
The easiest way to add mappings to a project at scale is via a CSV file. CSV mappings are added to a project as individual transfers/move jobs and you can then treat them like any other mappings.
Within your project, click + Add Transfer. Select Import Transfers from CSV.
When executing a file migration, the CSV uses a simple source, destination
CSV prefixes can target special objects like users, drives, on-premises agents, or mailboxes.
/user:<username or email>
Boomsync, Box, Dropbox Business, Egnyte, Google Workspace, OneDrive, pCloud, Sharefile, Sharepoint, Legacy Sharepoint, Amazon Workdocs
/teamdrive:<team drive name>
/teamdrive:My Team Drive/Files
Boomsync, Dropbox Business, Egnyte, Google Workspace, Huddle, Sharefile
/teamdriveid:<team drive ID>
Google Workspace
/<drive letter>:/<path>
/D:/Company Data/Files
Windows/OSX Agent
/REMOTESERVER/Shared Data/Files
Windows/OSX Agent
Exchange, Office 365 Outlook, Google Workspace Gmail, IMAP
/sharepointsite:<site path>:<document library path>
Sharepoint, OnPrem Sharepoint
Amazon S3, S3 Compatible, BiFrost Cloud, Digital Ocean, Filebase, IDrive Cloud, Lyve Cloud, Wasabi
Exchange, Office 365 Outlook via EWS
No prefix
Backblaze B2, SFTP, Dropbox Personal, Google Cloud, Google Drive Personal, Azure Blob, Azure Files
When moving to/from an IMAP server, you can provide credentials for each user directly in the CSV file by specifying a "source_secret" and/or "destination_secret" column.
The format for these columns are shown below.
Example (IMAP source):
For help with CSV mappings, get in touch with support via support@couchdrop.io
Learn about pausing and resuming transfer jobs.
Transfer jobs in Movebot can be safely paused and resumed at any time, giving you full control over the migration process.
To pause a job that is currently running, click Cancel/Pause Migration in the job menu.
To resume, open the same job and click Resume Job / Rerun Failures.
When resumed, Movebot will pick up where it left off.
You can pause and resume migrations as often as needed without affecting already transferred data.
If you click Start Full Migration, Start Delta Migration, or Start Data Only Migration instead of Resume Last Action / Rerun Failures, the job will start from scratch, requiring a re-scan of all previously scanned data.
Always use Resume Last Action / Rerun Failures to avoid unnecessary duplication and preserve your job's progress.
Learn how to schedule transfer jobs.
Movebot offers two distinct scheduling features for managing job execution. Scheduling can be used to perform a daily delta migration at a certain time, or to restrict the time a particular migration job will transfer data.
Migration jobs can be scheduled to launch daily at a certain time.
This feature is useful for syncing where the source dataset is still active and you want to perform a daily sync. Scheduling daily executions requires setting a daily start time and we recommend enabling Always Use Delta so Movebot is not migrating the same files every day without changes.
Movebot supports the ability to specify a time window when Movebot can move data in the transferring stage. Scheduling a data transfer window is done by specifying a start and end hour in UTC time.
Unlike when Scheduling Daily Executions, scheduling a data transfer window does not start the migration automatically; you must still start the migration. Once the migration reaches the transferring stage, Movebot will check to make sure we are inside the scheduled data transfer window. If outside the defined window, we pause the transfer.
Note: When outside the transfer window, the migration will remain in the Transferring state, but no data will be migrated
Learn about Data Localization options
Movebot uses dynamically launched and managed dedicated worker nodes to execute your migration when you launch it. Your data does not leave these nodes and they are terminated as soon as your migration is complete. Nodes are never shared between customers.
By default, we use compute resources within our San Francisco data center. You can adjust the geographic location of your migration to meet your performance or data sovereignty requirements.
You can find Data Localization options in any project under Settings --> Options in the section Migration Geographic Region.
Current available regions
New York
Digital Ocean NYC1
Digital Ocean TOR1
Digital Ocean AMS1
Digital Ocean SING1
Digital Ocean LON1
Digital Ocean FRA1
AWS ap-northeast-1
Dedicated/Self Hosted
Chat with the Movebot team for more information on this option.
Learn about performance limitations with Google Drive.
Like most cloud storage providers, Google Drive has limitations that impact migration performance.
Google limits Team drives to a maximum of 500,000 objects. Once you reach this limit, you are unable to add new objects to the team drive.
A folder in a Shared Drive in Google Workspace can have up to 100 levels of nested folders. If a folder in the source has more than 100 subfolders, the data folder architecture will need to be restructured to fit in Google Workspace.
Google does not allow Documents/Sheets/Presentations greater than 11MB in size to be exported into standard Microsoft formats via their API. Files exceeding this limit must be manually exported directly from the Google web frontend.
For individual users, Google has a daily upload limit of 750GB per user. Once this limit is hit, rate limiting prevents new objects from being uploaded
Depending on the tenant, there is an undisclosed download limit. We believe this limit is around 13TB per day, but it varies between tenants.
Google rate limits API queries. This creates an ultimate bottleneck during migrations that we cannot surpass. Movebot has very high quota limits, so generally rate limiting does not impact the performance much beyond what is described above.
Tags: googledrive
Learn about performance limits in SharePoint and Ludicrous Mode.
Microsoft's Graph API has some of the highest rate limiting for API calls in the market. This can make moving data to SharePoint slower and more nuanced than other platforms. Outside of Ludicrous Mode, you can normally expect to move between 200-500GB per day.
When migrating into SharePoint, Ludicrous Mode can provide a significant performance improvement. Ludicrous Mode uses the SharePoint migration-api, a less well-known and under-documented batch ingestion API for moving large volumes of data into SharePoint without hitting the limitations of the official graph API.
Ludicrous mode can be enabled at the project level and provides a significant performance improvement for migrations with a large number of small files destined for SharePoint or OneDrive.
Before enabling Ludicrous mode check:
"Always use deltas" is enabled on the project
You are not running any current transfers
Currently, Ludicrous Mode is in beta. We recommend chatting with support before enabling it.
Tags: sharepoint
Movebot has two options for mail ingestion for Google Workspace Accounts
There are two different options for ingesting mail for Google Workspace Accounts, the Import and INSERT method.
Import is the default method. This method imports mail with standard scanning and delivery functionality.
The INSERT method is an alternative method that bypasses scanning for older messages, and can increase transfer speeds. When enabled, you can choose to use INSERT for messages sent a minimum of 15 days earlier, and up to 120 days as the maximum start point.
To enable the INSERT method, execute the following steps:
Login to Movebot and choose or create a project with Google Workspace Gmail as the destination.
Go to the Content Options tab, and under Google Workspace Mail Options check the option for Use INSERT method for old emails. The default setting is for emails older than 30 days but this can be adjusted from 15 days up to 120 days.
Learn about how to use Movebot to customise and manage your migration
Learn how to run a data migration with Movebot at a high level.
Movebot was built for data migrations and transfers. Our product has been specifically built to provide fast, simple, and cost-effective migrations.
Performing a data migration in Movebot is a relatively simple process that can be set up in a few minutes. This guide will give you an overview of how a migration is modeled and executed in Movebot with an explanation of some key concepts to help you navigate the project, along with an overview video demonstrating how Movebot works.
When configuring a migration in Movebot, there are a couple of key concepts that we have adopted to help make the process simple. It's useful to quickly skim through them to understand how we approach migrations.
Migrations in Movebot are not really migrations at all.
Movebot perhaps should have been called CopyBot as that's essentially what it does 99% of the time. Moving data infers that the content is no longer available at the source. Movebot doesn't move the data out of the source as in most cases this is not ideal and can be downright dangerous.
For this reason, Movebot copies the data and does not delete it or remove permissions during the migration process. For us, that is the job of the team running the migration, not the machines.
A project is a collection of transfer jobs and settings.
Projects in Movebot are a collection of transfers that relate to the same source and destination. When configuring a migration, regardless of its size and scope, you must create a project. Projects use the same configuration settings and connect to the same source and destination systems.
In Movebot, you can create as many projects as you like and storage connections can be shared between them. For example, you can create a Google Workspace connection for a Google Workspace to SharePoint migration, then later create a project for Dropbox to Google Workspace and use that already-configured Google Workspace connection.
Projects include:
A source and destination connection configuration
Permission migration configuration
Project-wide content inclusion and exclusion options
Project-wide sanitization options
Platform-specific options
Ignored files
Transfers and jobs are children of projects. They can be thought of as an individual job or folder mapping between the source and destination locations.
Transfer Mappings are analogous to Jobs, Transfers, Migrations.
They are executed in relative isolation to other transfers
They are composed of a single source folder to a destination folder
All types are mapped with Transfer Mappings. Users, Team Drives, Servers, Network Drives, External Servers etc.
Movebot simplifies migrations by treating everything as folders. Transfer mappings are effectively folder mappings, where folders can be users, mailboxes, network drives, subfolders, or virtually anything the connected storage system supports.
Launching migrations is done by starting transfers.
Transfers can be launched and executed more than once. Each time a transfer is executed, Movebot executes a scan and builds a picture of the migration.
When executing transfers, transfer mappings include child Files and Folders.
During the scan stage of a transfer, the scan will build out a complete picture of child folders and files under the transfer, including all targeted files and folders under this transfer.
The first thing Movebot does when executing anything is run a scan.
Scanning is a fundamental step in the process and a tool in itself. The scan stage maps out and identifies files that are going to be moved, and how those files can and should be transferred to the destination.
The scan identifies and resolves a lot of issues before the transfer process begins and generates a snapshot of what we see in the source and how it will appear in the destination.
The scan functionality in Movebot is used internally as part of the migration, but it is also exposed as the Discovery Scan function on a project level. A discovery scan is purely informational and provides a high-level overview that can be used to scope out and plan your migration.
After confirming the scan results, you can initiate the transfer. Movebot handles all of the infrastructure management and scaling for you and automatically optimizes for best results.
While the transfer is ongoing you have access to the Performance Advisor. This gives you real-time stats about the transfer that is currently in progress.
Once the transfer is complete, Movebot will generate a post-transfer report so you can review your migration results.
Deltas update changed and added files
The delta functionality in Movebot is an overlooked gem. Most migration tools require a hard cutover, but with Movebot, the cutover process can be managed by the admin in a way that best suits them.
In Movebot, delta migrations iteratively migrate changes that have occurred since the first transfer using the modification time and some other smarts by looking at a scan of both the source and the destination folders.
During a delta migration, Movebot will only transfer and update files that have either been updated or newly created in the source.
Deltas can be run as many times as needed, including months after the project was initially set up.
Transferring or migrating data with Movebot generally comes down to the following process.
Pro Tip: Run a small migration/transfer first. Don't jump in the deep end too quickly
We recommend that you run a small test migration before proceeding with a large number of transfers. This will allow you to familiarise yourself with Movebot and gain confidence in configuration.
Projects in Movebot are a logical unit of separation. Projects have a source and destination connection, configuration settings, and child transfers.
To create a project, visit Movebot and Click Create Project. During the configuration stage, you will need to select or create a source and destination connection. You can find detailed information on setting up various connections under
With any large migration, we recommend executing a project scan before adding folders. This step is completely optional, but very useful as it provides a high-level overview of the source and highlights potential issues with moving the data to the destination, before you get started.
The project scan is also a useful tool for adding folder mappings. On each folder or user, it provides:
A hierarchical view of files and folders
Totals and summary data
File and folder sizes
Conflicts and issues
Overview of mapping status
Sharing and permission information
Before any data will be transferred, you will need to configure Transfer Mappings. Transfer mappings tell Movebot to move data from one location to another. They form the base unit of operations in Movebot and live under a project.
Creating transfer mappings is done from the project dashboard and can be done by selecting the source and destination folders individually or by uploading a CSV file of the mappings.
Once transfers are created, they can be launched. Launching transfers stages them for execution.
Movebot attempts to remedy all failures automatically, but there are often edge cases that we can't accommodate. Failures are shown under a job and can occur for various reasons.
It's important that you investigate Critical and High Severity errors. Ignoring these will most likely result in data loss if they are not fixed.
Errors caused by intermittent issues will most likely be resolved in the next stage.
The final and often most frequent stage in a migration with Movebot is running Deltas. With a full migration/transfer like what you launched in Step 4, Movebot will move all data from the source to the destination. With a Delta, we will only move files that have changed or are new in the source and not yet moved to the destination.
If files have changed or failed during the transfer in Step 4, they will be picked up with a delta.
There are a lot of nuances with Migrations that cannot be covered in a short document. If you are migrating from one of the major platforms, we recommend reading the Platforms Guides and Connections which will give you a good grounding.
Our support rocks, really it does, and it's free. Reach out to the team with any questions and we are always more than happy to lend a hand.
Learn how to add transfers directly from scan results.
Movebot supports adding transfers directly from the scan results. This allows you to use the Explorer feature of the discovery scan to analyze the content and easily create mappings for multiple transfer projects using the same source and destination.
After running a scan, check the Discovery Scan tab and choose Explorer to review the files and folders that Movebot has scanned. You'll also see an overview of errors and warnings, such as if you are attempting to map a drive in the source that is too large for the destination. If you click on one of these errors or warnings, the results will only show results that have that specific issue.
To add a Transfer from the scan results, simply highlight beside a folder, click the checkbox, and click Add Transfers. You can also pick to Ignore File, which can be useful for isolating objects that you do not want to move to the destination. If a folder or its subfolders are used in a transfer, Movebot will inform you with an icon beside the file name.
In the above screenshot, you may notice that one folder has a Mapped sub-folders notice. This means that while the folder at this level has not been mapped as a transfer, at least one sub-folder below has been.
This is useful to keep track of which folders you have mapped to both make sure you move all the data across and avoid moving the same folders multiple times.
As a further safeguard from moving the same folder in multiple transfers, Movebot has the the option to ignore subfolders mapped in other transfers as part of the Content Options when setting up a transfer. When this default option remains checked, Movebot will ignore subfolders that have previously been mapped within the same project so that you don't have to manually exclude them one at a time.
This method allows you to run transfers much quicker, but keep in mind that if you intentionally want to transfer a folder to multiple locations, you will need to leave this option unchecked so that it won't be ignored.
Learn about how Movebot gives Warnings and Issues.
Scans provide a list of warnings and issues that have been identified with the migration. These warnings are useful for highlighting issues before kicking off the migration.
To view warnings and predicted issues from a scan, open Content Options under the scan overview.
Clicking on an issue will provide a detailed description and a list of files/folders that are impacted.
You can also use Explorer/Navigator tab to see a tree view of all files and folders discovered by the scan. Clicking Show Simulation View will show an expected destination view of the migration.
Learn how to add team/shared drives to transfers.
Movebot supports Team Drives and Shared Drive migrations to and from any platform. Mappings can be created by simply selecting the Team Drive in the source and where you would like files and folders to be transferred to in the destination.
Movebot treats everything as a folder, which means the destination is interchangeable. You can map folders into Shared Drives/Team Drives, Folders within Team Drives, etc.
Team Drives show up in the root along with users.
Click Add Transfer from the project overview and navigate through the source and destination selecting the folders on the source and the destination.
Movebot supports moving both team/shared drives and the associated permissions. To find out more about migrating permissions, see our section on Permissions and Metadata.
Learn how to run a project discovery scan.
To run a scan, create a new Movebot project, connect your platforms, and follow the wizard. Once done, select Save and Exit.
You will find yourself at your migration project dashboard. Click on Run Discovery Scan.
From the Discovery Scan page, you can then click on Launch Scan Now.
You will be asked whether you wish to run a scan over the entire source platform or a specific location. We recommend scanning the entire source for cloud platforms and selecting the specific drive you wish to scan if you're working with on-prem servers.
Finally, you can click Launch Scan to kick off your pre-migration scan.
Learn how to add User Mappings.
User-to-user transfers are the simplest form of migration with Movebot. Movebot allows you to migrate all files and folders under one user's account to another. Additionally, you can configure it to only migrate cherry-picked folders from the source to the destination.
Under the Project manager, click Add Transfer. select the source user and destination user then hit Save and Finalize.
You can also add customization options like filtering to only include/exclude specific files and folders.
By default, Movebot will always migrate data into a separate folder in the destination with a "migrated from" prefix. This is to prevent accidental data clashes and make reorganizing data after the migration easy for users. You can disable this by clicking "Migrate folder contents".
For scale, CSV files can be used to import large numbers of users. The CSV file should be in the format shown below.
For help with CSV mappings, get in touch with support via support@couchdrop.io
Learn about transfer mappings in Movebot
Transfer mapping are the building blocks for migrations in Movebot. After configuring a project, you will most likely want to add transfer mappings to it.
Transfer mappings tell Movebot which files and folders to move. Each transfer mapping is an isolated migration task that can be launched in isolation.
Example of Transfer Mappings:
Each user, team drive or folder that you want to transfer in Movebot needs to be covered by a transfer mapping.
Movebot treats everything like folders. Users, team drives, network drives, mailboxes; they all appear in Movebot as if they were folders. This simplifies adding mappings and means you can reorganize data between storage types.
Mappings can be added in a variety of ways. Learn more about how to add transfer mappings below:
Learn about how to map permissions in Movebot
Mapping permissions allow you to configure translations between source and destination users and groups. This is used when migrating between two domains or from On-Prem to the cloud.
Example mapping syntax
Group 1
For situations where the username format is changing, you can add explicit mappings for each user. When migrating a large organization, you can create a CSV file of mappings that can be imported.
An example CSV file is:
Tweak the permission migration further
Send Notification Invitations
Send email notifications to users when permissions are added.
This option is not supported by all cloud platforms.
Exclude Unmapped Permissions
Only include permissions for users that are included in the mappings.
This option is useful for preventing re-sharing with external users.
Exception Rules
Prevent permissions from being migrated under certain circumstances.
Learn about how to exclude content from transfers.
Normally, Movebot will migrate all files and folders from the source folders to the destination with the exception of a few file types that are not supported by the destination. However, files can be manually excluded as well.
Movebot allows administrators to extend this functionality and define exclusion and inclusion rules. This can be done on a project level or on an individual transfer level.
Project exclusion rules will apply to all migrations in a project. Administrators can define these rules under Content Options.
The same options are available on an individual migration/transfer. These options extend what was already configured at a project level.
Additionally, you can change an individual transfer to only include files matching a certain set of rules. This is useful for carving up your project into chunks by file types or size.
Available Rule Types
Files older than
Only match files that are older than
Files modified before timestamp
Only match files modified before the defined unix timestamp
File size greater than
Only match files with a size greater than
File/Folder name matches
Only match files with the following name. This field supports unix style wildcards
Path matches
Only match files with the following path. Field also supports unix style wildcards
Learn how to manually map permissions.
Permissions can be manually configured from a CSV file, or the Box collaborators report. When enabled, Movebot will not query for permissions in the source system, rather it will look for permissions in the provided CSV file.
If you are not using the Box collaborators report, the format of the permissions CSV file is as shown in the example below.
From your Box admin console, go to Reports > Create Report and click Select Filters on the row for the collaboration report.
If you want to migrate your entire organisation, you can leave the filters blank, or you can generate the report for specific users you wish to migrate.
Learn about the ShareWithMe option when Google is the source.
When users share a MyDrive folder with another user, this folder shows up under "Shared With Me" in Google Drive.
Movebot does not migrate shared folders by default. If you want to include shared folders for a user migration/transfer, you can enable this under Content Options.
To transfer shared folders as part of the migration, disable the Exclude SharedWithMe Content under Content Options in the project configuration.
With Exclude SharedWithMe Content disabled, Movebot will transfer all files owned by the migrating user in shared folders to the destination. You can expand this to include all files and folders with the options below.
Exclude Shared Content owned by another user
This option will filter files by owner.
All files in the shared folder will be transferred to the destination
Exclude Shared Content owned by a migrating user
This option will filter files by users in the project.
Files that are not owned by users included in the migration project will be excluded.
Learn about Sharing and Ownership within Google Drive platforms.
Google Drive provides a high level of flexibility in its sharing model in comparison to other storage providers. This additional flexibility creates issues when migrating to a new Google Tenant or another storage provider like Dropbox.
There are some subtle differences between Team Drives and Shared folders.
Who owns the content
The organisation
The individual user who created each file or folder.
Can permissions be removed
Permissions can be customised at any level.
The sharing user, can be removed from subfolders created by external users.
File limitations
400,000 files per drive
Content can be orphaned
The most important thing to remember here is around ownership. In a Team Drive, the organization owns the content, not individual users. In a Shared Folder, the individual that creates the content owns it. This means, user1@google shares a folder with user2@google, and then user2@google creates a file or folder, it is owned by user2@google and user2@google can revoke user1@googles access to it.
This flexibility can cause data loss and orphaned data, whereby the parent folder has been deleted and the child no longer has a parent and so cannot be found.
This approach to ownership is great for individual users, but a nightmare for organizations, as organizations lose control over their data.
Movebot takes a pragmatic approach to solving this problem and normalizes the ownership model so that it works for organizations and is compatible with other content systems like Dropbox, Box, and Office365.
During a migration, content discovered under a particular user's root becomes their content in the destination. Permissions can still be assigned, and that content can be shared with anyone, but the ownership stays under the migrating user.
This ensures that the organization has control over the data.
If users have created complex sharing rules in shared MyDrive folders, then the migrating user may not be able to see data that lives in their shared folders.
Movebot can detect this, by enabling "Search for unreachable content"
Unreachable data will then be flagged.
Note: Enabling this option does slow down the calculating stage, but disabling the option can lead to data loss, as any files that meet the criteria won't be moved.
If you are unsure about enabling this option, contact support at support@movebot.io.
Tags googledrive
Connect Google Workspace to Movebot with a Client ID and domain-wide delegation
To connect a Google Workspace account to Movebot, you need to delegate domain wide authority so Movebot can access your users and migrate them automatically.
Delegating Domain-Wide Authority requires the following:
A Google Workspace Administrator Account to access the Admin Console
Familiarity with the Google Admin Console
Client ID for Google generated in Movebot when configuring a Google Workspace connection
Select the Security tab. If you don't see Security, select Show More from the bottom of the menu list.
Choose Access and data control and then API controls.
In the Domain wide delegation section, choose MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION.
In the API clients section, click Add new. Paste the Client ID generated from Movebot into the Client ID field.
In the OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) field, paste the following:
Click Authorize. Test that the connection in Movebot is successful to complete your configuration.
Learn about granting OneDrive access for SharePoint migrations.
Migrating into and out of SharePoint with users requires the SharePoint admin registered with Movebot to have access to users' OneDrive accounts. In SharePoint, admins do not have access by default to individual OneDrive accounts so access will need to be granted.
As long as you are a licensed Microsoft 365 Global Administrator, you can take ownership of a user’s OneDrive by following these steps:
1. Log into the Microsoft 365 Admin Center for your tenant
2. Open Active Users under the Users tab and search for the user whose files you need
3. Click on the Display name of the user
4. Open the OneDrive settings tab
5. Click Create link to files
Once the link appears, no further action is required.
For larger organizations, you can use PowerShell to automate granting permissions at scale.
If you do not have experience with Powershell, consult someone in your organization who does or have a chat with our team for help.
1. Ensure you have the SharePoint PowerShell utilities installed:
Open PowerShell as Administrator and run:
2. Create a new PowerShell Script in Notepad, substituting the fields as appropriate for your domain
3. Run the PowerShell script. Once it has been completed, your SharePoint admin account should have access across the organization.
Please note: Currently, this script only works in Windows PowerShell.
4. Be sure to include the -admin
part of the URL when configuring $AdminSiteURL
5. If your account has 2FA configured, the -credential
argument should be removed.
Tags: sharepoint legacy_sharepoint onprem_sharepoint onedrive
Learn how Movebot deals with deduplication of content in Google
Google Drive allows users to create (mostly by accident) duplicate folders and files.
Which is the real "folder1"?
Google is the only platform that allows users to create this sort of mess.
Duplicated data creates two main issues for Migrations.
1. Most destination systems do not allow duplicate files and folders.
2. Tracking changes is impossible with files that are named the same.
To facilitate safe data transfer, Movebot will rename files and folders that have duplicate names.
This deduplication ensures files are not lost and the folder structure is maintained.
Although Google to Google transfers would support duplication, Movebot does not allow this behavior as it creates a risk of data loss.
Learn about requirements for connecting Movebot to file servers.
The Windows Server Agent is a small binary that moves data from a local server to the Movebot cloud and onto the destination cloud storage provider.
This software is run as an executable and can be also run as a service. While every migration is different, we recommend the resources below.
Below are the current supported and tested versions of Microsoft Windows that the Movebot agent supports.
You will need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 to open the agent.
Migrations are upload-intensive by nature and so the speed of your migration will be heavily dependant on your internal and external network capacity. We recommend a 1Gb uplink speed over fiber where possible.
If you are experiencing performance issues with the agent, we recommend running a speed test and ensuring you are selecting a Migration region that is close to the agent.
The Movebot agent communicates with the Movebot control plane and APIs exclusively via HTTPS. This means that no additional ports are needed to be opened. However, if your organization has a proxy server or web filter, you may need to allow the following domains out.
for your Google Workspace domain.
For more information on domain-wide delegation, see this Support article from Google: Tags: googledrive_domain
For help configuring the agent on servers that are not supported, contact .
For more information, get in touch with support via Tags: agent
Scan and Discovery
Scanning the source and destination provides a complete picture of your data. Making it easy to craft and navigate your migration project.
Transfer Mapping
Learn about adding transfer mappings to your project. Choosing which data is going to be moved to where.
Permissions and Metadata
Learn about configuring permissions and metadata in Movebot. Movebot has comprehensive support for permissions and metadata.
Transfer and Cutover
Learn about executing your migration project and cutting over users to the new platform.
Email Support
Send us an email and we will get back to you.
Join our discord
Get live assistance from our team and community on discord
Book a meeting
Book time with our team to discus your migration project or get assistance with configuration.
Data Migrations
Movebot is the fastest and easiest data migration tool on the market. Learn how to move data with Movebot.
Mail Migrations
Movebot now supports email, calendars and contact migrations as well as Data migrations. Learn about them here.
Add User Mappings
Learn how to map user to user transfers in Movebot
Add Team Drive Mappings
Learn how to map team drives in Movebot
Import CSV Mappings
Learn how to use the CSV import process to bulk import users and folders to Movebot
Google Workspace
Learn how to connect Movebot to Google Workspace
Personal Google Drive
Learn how to connect Movebot to a personal Google Drive
Google Mail
Learn how to connect to Gmail to migrate mail, calendars and contacts
Hard Disk Space
32GB of free disk
Windows 10
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022
Learn about logging and debugging with regards to Windows file servers.
The Windows agent has a collection of logfiles that can be useful for debugging issue. Our support team might also ask for them from time to time.
You can find these logs under C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\CouchdropCloudConnector
Tags: agent
Error Type
Relevant Store
A user not active error occurs when attempting to move an inactive user account. What 'activated' means in each platform can differ, but typically will mean that the user license has been disabled or deactivated from within the platform.
The user may not be licensed
The user is not enabled or expired
Activate the user in the storage platform by ensuring the user is not disabled and has an active license.
Learn about general performance and speed in Movebot
Movebot has been built architecturally to be optimized for speed. In most cases, this means you will not need to make any adjustments to settings for your migration to perform quickly. There are however a few details that are useful to understand when trying to determine how quickly your migration will run.
For most migrations, rate-limiting is going to be the number #1 bottleneck. Rate-limiting is a mechanism used by API providers to prevent abuse and to limit the impact of buggy API consumer applications on other customers.
Most cloud storage providers implement some level of rate-limiting and it's important to be aware of this as a limiter of your migration's performance.
Identifying rate-limiting
If your migration is being impacted by rate-limiting, it will be visible in the Performance Advisor graphs. The Performance Advisor provides a project-level summary of performance metrics.
What can be done about rate-limiting
Generally, we are at the mercy of the cloud platforms in terms of rate-limiting, but there are a few tricks with each platform if things are not progressing as quickly as you would like.
If you believe rate-limiting has become a problematic bottleneck in your migration project, reach out to our team via support@movebot.io and we can take a look at your project.
Worker nodes are an abstract concept in Movebot's platform that indicate the level of compute power provided to a migration project or transfer. Currently, administrators can tune these settings under the advice of the Performance Advisor.
We recommend you talk to support before making adjustments to the project worker node settings. It's easy to shoot yourself in the foot ;)
How long is a piece of string? Pretty long.
Performance tuning is a black magic and we are constantly fighting with it. As a general rule, you should expect to be able to get over 1GB per minute of transfer for a single transfer mapping in Movebot.
Talk to us if you have performance concerns.
Error Type
Relevant Store
Box, ShareFile, OneDrive
This error indicates that the authentication token used to connect Movebot to a storage platform (source or destination) has expired. Without a valid token, Movebot cannot continue scanning or migrating data.
The OAuth or API token used during initial connection has expired due to time limits set by the storage provider.
Project settings were modified mid-migration, triggering a refresh or disconnect of the active token.
The connection has been idle for an extended period.
The token was revoked manually or automatically by the platform (e.g., security policy or admin action).
Open your Project Settings.
Navigate to the Source or Destination section where the error occurred.
Click Manage Connection Settings and re-authorise the connection.
Avoid making changes to connection settings or project configuration while a migration is running, as this can increase the risk of token expiry.
Instructions to disable EWS throttling using your Microsoft 365 account
By default, Microsoft throttles EWS connections in order to limit simultaneous connections for security and infrastructure stability. In typical use, most users will not come across EWS throttling, but it is possible to hit this limitation during a migration due to the increased number of requests.
Throttling can be temporarily disabled for up to 90 days from within the Microsoft 365 account settings and requires an account with access to the Admin portal.
To disable EWS throttling you will need:
A Microsoft 365 account with access to the Admin portal
Permissions to submit Support requests in the Microsoft 365 admin center
Login to Microsoft 365 with an Admin account
Open the Admin panel from the list of apps
From the Sidebar, choose the tab for Support and then Help & Support. You may need to click Show All for the Support tab to appear.
A search bar will appear. Type in Increase EWS Throttling Policy.
An option will appear to Run Diagnostics. Click Run Tests and choose a duration that will cover the migration period.
You will receive a message that an update to the throttling policy has been started. This may take 15 minutes to take effect.
After at least 15 minutes have passed, you can check to see if the changes have taken effect. Repeat Steps 1-4 above. If the changes were successful, the Run Diagnostics window should now show a message that Exchange Web Services are not currently throttled.
An alternative method to disable EWS throttling is to create a Support ticket and ask the Microsoft Team to make the change for you.
Learn about Namespaces and Limitations in Dropbox.
When migrating large datasets to Dropbox and when migrating permissions, namespaces inside Dropbox need to be considered.
Dropbox has published official documentation around namespace limitations that can be found in the following locations. Movebot recommends reading through this if migrating more than 1 million files.
Restrictions and Limitations for Team Deployments
Dropbox Performance Guide
Team folders and Shared folders in Dropbox typically reside in their own namespace. Each namespace has soft and hard limits around the number of files, users, and permissions associated with them.
Movebot has some features that can assist with navigating namespace limitations and properly structuring data when moving into Dropbox.
Identification of Potential Issues
During a Discovery Scan, Movebot will identify folders that should be split into separate team folders or namespaces inside Dropbox.
While Movebot does not force you to split large folders into smaller namespaces, it is highly recommended that you follow the guidance provided by the Discovery Scan and use this information to direct the structuring process.
Root Folder Namespace Creation
"Create a namespace per transfer" is an option that can be enabled from the Content Options page for a project or an individual transfer mapping.
When enabled, Movebot will create the root folder targeted by the transfer within a new namespace. If the root folder already has its own namespace, Movebot will not create an additional namespace.
Only the root folder will receive a unique namespace. Subfolders of the same transfer will not be created with separate namespaces unless they have permissions that break inheritance or are created by other transfers in Movebot.
Permission Namespace Creation
When migrating with permissions, Movebot will create a namespace for any shared folders with permissions that do not inherit permissions from the parent folder.
Movebot will automatically detect Shared folders with custom permissions that have not been inherited and create the shared folder/namespace in Dropbox with the required permissions.
If you remove the permissions inherited from a parent shared folder, a new namespace will be created inside Dropbox.
For assistance configuring large migrations to Dropbox, please contact support@movebot.io
Tags: dropbox dropboxfull dropboxfullbusiness
Learn about working with proxy configuration for file servers.
In networks where internet access is only allowed behind a proxy server some additional manual configuration is needed.
1. Install and run the agent
2. Set the token
3. Stop the agent and then add the proxy configuration manually
You will need to locate the Movebot configuration file, normally it's located in the directory, C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\CouchdropCloudConnector.
Open the file with Notepad, or something similar, and you will find a JSON with a base config.
4. Edit the "proxies" section, adding an HTTP and HTTPS proxy with the syntax below:
5. Save the file, and start the agent again.
Proxy URL syntax examples:
Simple, no username and password
With username and password
To debug connection issues, check the log files located in the same directory as the configuration files and feel free to contact support for help at support@movebot.io. Tags: agent
Learn how to run the Movebot Agent as a Service for file server transfers.
The Movebot Agent (Couchdrop Cloud Connector) can be run as a Windows service.
Installing the agent as a service requires some understanding of how Windows services work and the service must be configured to run as the same user that is performing the configuration.
Before starting, make sure that you have installed the Couchdrop Cloud Connector by following the steps outlined here. Make sure you have run and configured everything properly and check that it is working. We recommend closing the desktop configuration app and systray application before starting the service.
Next in a command line, open the Couchdrop Cloud Connector folder located under Program Files and run the following command.
Next, open the service manager:
Find the service for "Couchdrop Cloud Connector" and open it.
Adjust the Log On configuration specifying the user account that you are logged in as the account to run the service under. This step is important as the agent configuration is stored under the user's profile. Without configuring the correct user, the service will not properly connect.
Finally, you can start the service. Once it's running, you can reopen the Couchdrop Cloud Connector configuration application and it should show the service as Running in Background.
Tags: agent
Learn about connecting the Movebot agent in a Non-GUI enivronment
First, you need to install and configure the Movebot agent (Couchdrop Cloud Connector) on your workstation.
You can follow the article here for configuration instructions. Once you have installed and configured the agent, you need to copy the configuration.
On your workstation, browse to the folder
Copy configuration.conf to a location you can access on the new server and also copy the Couchdrop Cloud Connector installer. Now you can uninstall the Agent from your workstation.
On the server, you will need to open the command prompt as an administrator. Once you have done that, you will need to locate where you copied your installer and configuration.conf file on the server.
Below is an example command of how to install silently, but your path may vary on your location.
Once this is complete, you need to apply the configuration to the server. To do this, copy your configuration.conf.
On the server, you will need to browse to this location. You may need to create the CouchdropCloudConnector folder under your Appdata\Local as the agent has not run yet.
Now we need to set up the agent as a service. Follow the article here. Be aware you don't need to install the agent again. You can go to the area of the article where it tells you to run the following command.
Once you have completed installing the agent as a service and the service is running, you can check your Couchdrop Cloud Connector configuration folder and it should look similar to the image below
Wait for 30 seconds and verify the agent is working by doing a scan or another action in the Movebot web interface. Tags: agent
Here are the articles in this section
Learn about how to debug and deal with errors and failures in Movebot
Movebot attempts to remedy all failures automatically, but there are some failure types that will require manual intervention and we cannot transfer the data across.
There are two main types of failures:
Fatal Failures
File or Folder Failures
Fatal failures occur when we cannot proceed with any transfers in a migration job and file or folder failures occur when there was an issue transferring or scanning a file or folder discovered under a transfer mapping (job).
Errors can be found on an individual transfer mapping basis under Error Tracker.
Errors and failures in Movebot are categorized by severity as described below.
Folder / Files failed to scan
Critical errors are generally very bad. These include an outright failure to scan a directory, which can lead to dataloss.
Could not create file x.txt
High severity errors are generally isolated to a single object. It is recommended that you address them on an individual basis.
File y.txt was ignored
Medium severity errors can normally be ignored, but should be noted as they can show incorrect configuration.
Low Severity
File !blah.txt was renamed to blah.txt
Low severity warnings are informational.
Fixing errors generally comes down to two approaches:
Adjustments in configuration or a manual transfer of the object
Running a Delta
If the root cause is not obvious and it cannot be fixed through configuration, then attempt to run a Delta. If running a Delta does not fix the issue, then reach out to support at support@movebot.io.
Unknown Errors are errors that are not mapped to error types in Movebot.
Cloud storage providers routinely make changes to their API's that can mean Movebot is not always able to provide a meaningful error message.
Unexpected error caused in a storage provider's API
The error has not been categorised by us yet
A bug in our system
Run a delta. The error might have been temporary
Attempt to diagnose by viewing the underlying error from the storage API in the storage tracker
Reach out to support
It is not recommended to transfer permissions within Movebot as it is difficult to properly map permissions between disparate systems
Permissions Mapping Incomplete error means that not all of your permissions were able to be translated into a format usable at the destination.
During the scan stage of a migration (the first step), Movebot will attempt to map all of your permissions, so they are ready for transferring based on the permission mapping rules you provided
There is a unique or uncommon permission on the file/folder that cannot be properly translated
There is a missing mapping for the permissions on the file
Provide a mapping for a username, email address or group to inherit the permission from
Exclude unmapped permissions
Invalid Filename Character errors are due to having an invalid name for a file.
During the scan stage of migration (the first step), Movebot will perform checks to ensure your data will transfer properly. One of these checks is the names of files - there is a chance some of your files have invalid names
The file has an invalid name for the store that it is being uploaded into
Add a filename transformation rule to modify the names of the files during the transfer
This is found under Project Settings -> Content Options
This cannot be done for email/contacts/calendars, only for files
Change the name of the affected files manually in the source.
After attempting a fix, rerun failures or run a new delta migration to see if the error is resolved.
Duplicate File Name error is caused by having 2 files with the same name
During the scan stage of a migration (the first step), Movebot will perform checks to ensure your data will transfer properly. One of these checks is the paths of files - there is a chance some of your files have the same path as another one of your files
The file has the same path as another file
Nothing needs to be done to resolve this - we perform de-duplication to ensure that your files do not end up with the same path
De-duplication causes the file name to be renamed and prefixed with (Dup 1), (Dup 2), etc
After attempting a fix, rerun failures or run a new delta migration to see if the error is resolved.
A User Not Found User error occurs when Movebot cannot find a user. This could be due to an invalid transfer mapping or by attempting to map a user that does not exist.
The transfer mapping is inaccurate and includes a user that does not exist
The username has a misspelling or other mistake
Ensure that your transfer mappings are accurate, and that the user actually exists. If you add transfer mappings with a CSV, there is a higher potential for this to occur. Adding mappings using the transfer modal can resolve this.
File Not Found errors are caused by us not being able to find and download the file in the store.
During the scan stage of a migration (the first step), Movebot builds a map of all files to be transferred. If files change after the scan, this can cause issues.
The file has been moved
The file is not accessible due to permissions
The filename has changed
Check that the connected account has appropriate permissions to download the affected files.
After attempting a fix, rerun failures or run a new delta migration to see if the error is resolved.
Error Type
Relevant Store
Error Type
Relevant Store
Error Type
Relevant Store
Error Type
Relevant Store
Error Type
Relevant Store
Error Type
Relevant Store
Error Type
Relevant Store
Access Denied error means that Movebot does not have access to the file or folder
Access denied on folders can result in loss of data.
The account used to connect the Storage Connection does not have the appropriate permissions to access the file or folder
Reconnect the Storage Connection using an account with higher permission levels such as an Administrator account.
Provide the connected user appropriate permissions within the storage platform settings.
After attempting a fix, rerun failures or run a new delta migration to try to move the affected files or folders.
Error Type
Relevant Store
Uploaded Size Mismatch error is due to the file size not matching expectations after uploading to the destination.
During the transfer stage, after uploading your file, we compare the file we downloaded to the file that was uploaded to ensure that file sizes match
There is a mismatch in the size of the downloaded file and the file we uploaded. This could indicate corruption of the file during upload or that we couldn't get all of the file to the storage provider.
Rerun failures or a new delta migration
Learn about using Movebot with HIPAA data
Movebot supports HIPAA data through the use of a dedicated region. The HIPAA region is not enabled for all customers as it requires a BAA agreement with us first.
Reach out to sales or your account manager for this
When working with HIPAA data, Movebot customers are required to select the HIPAA region from the project settings.
To enable:
Login to Movebot
Select the Project
Click Settings --> Options
Change the default region from San Fran to "HIPAA Compliant Region"
You will need to change the region for each project. Not selecting the HIPAA will result in your migration not being strictly HIPAA compliant.