Amazon WorkDocs
Learn how to connect to Amazon WorkDocs
Connecting to Amazon WorkDocs is fast to set up and supported as a source connection in Movebot.
Amazon WorkDocs is only supported as a source. Setting it as a destination will throw an error.
To connect Movebot to an Amazon WorkDocs you will need:
To generate an AWS access key
To know the organization ID and region for the site you wish to transfer
Configuration Steps
Log in to Movebot, choose Create New Connection, select Amazon WorkDocs as the connection, and set a name.
Generate AWS access keys with the following permissions as minimum
Set the Access Key ID, Access Key Secret, the site's Organization ID, and the region it belongs to. The Organization ID can be copied from the WorkDocs sites table in AWS
Save and Test connection in Movebot
Supported Features
Movebot is currently working on adding comprehensive support as a source for Amazon WorkDocs and is well-maintained
Users, Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Tags: aws_workdocs
Last updated
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