Exchange Server

Learn how to connect to an Exchange Server


Movebot connects to Exchange Servers using service account credentials and the server hostname.

Connecting Movebot to the Exchange Server requires giving Movebot permissions to access data.


To connect Movebot to Exchange, you will need:

  • Exchange Server credentials and server hostname

  • Service account with Discovery Management Role

Configuration Steps

  1. Login to Movebot, choose Create New Connection, choose Microsoft Exchange (EWS), and set the connection name.

  2. Provide the username for the service account, typically in the format of <username>@<exchange_domain>, e.g. Administrator@<exchange_domain>

  3. Provide the password for the service account and the Exchange Server hostname.

  4. Provide Discovery Management permissions to the service account following these steps.

    1. Log in to your Exchange Admin Center (Exchange Control Panel), which can be accessed through the web at <domain_hosting_exchange>/ecp

    2. Log in to the administrator account

    3. Select the 'permissions' tab within the Exchange Control Panel

    4. Under Admin Roles select Discovery Management and click the '+'. button.

    5. Under members, add the user you are using on the Movebot configuration, then click save. It will take a few minutes for the new changes to reflect.

      • If permissions are incorrectly configured, Movebot will show the error message "The caller has not assigned any of the RBAC roles requested in the management role header".

  5. Click Save and Test connection in Movebot

Supported Features

Movebot has comprehensive support for Exchange and is well-maintained.


Supported in Movebot

Email Messages and Folders

Fully Supported


Fully Supported


Fully Supported

Public Folders

Fully Supported

Tags: exchange

Last updated

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