Excluding Content
Learn about how to exclude content from transfers.
Normally, Movebot will migrate all files and folders from the source folders to the destination with the exception of a few file types that are not supported by the destination. However, files can be manually excluded as well.
Movebot allows administrators to extend this functionality and define exclusion and inclusion rules. This can be done on a project level or on an individual transfer level.
Project Level Exclusion Rules
Project exclusion rules will apply to all migrations in a project. Administrators can define these rules under Content Options.
Individual Migration/Transfer Level Rules
The same options are available on an individual migration/transfer. These options extend what was already configured at a project level.
Additionally, you can change an individual transfer to only include files matching a certain set of rules. This is useful for carving up your project into chunks by file types or size.
Available Rule Types
File Extension Matches | Only match files with the following extensions |
Files older than | Only match files that are older than |
Files modified before timestamp | Only match files modified before the defined unix timestamp |
File size greater than | Only match files with a size greater than |
File/Folder name matches | Only match files with the following name. This field supports unix style wildcards |
Path matches | Only match files with the following path. Field also supports unix style wildcards |
Last updated