Backblaze B2
Learn how to connect to Backblaze B2
Movebot supports moving files and folders to and from Backblaze B2.
To connect to Backblaze B2 in Movebot you will need:
To have access to a Backblaze B2 account
An application key with read and write permissions
Configuration Steps
When configuring the source or destination, select Backblaze B2 from the list of available connections and set the connection name
Provide your Backblaze Key ID and Master Key
In Backblaze B2, this can be found under Application Keys. You may need to generate another key to view the Master Key. Copy both the Key ID and the Master Key into Movebot
When generating your key, ensure your key has 'Read and Write' permissions. This will allow Movebot to have access to your bucket and move data.
Provide your Backblaze Bucket ID
In Backblaze B2, this can be found underneath Buckets
In Movebot, select Save and Test Connection
Supported Features
Movebot has comprehensive support for Backblaze B2 and is well-maintained.
Supported in Movebot
Files and Folders
Fully Supported
Modification Retention
Fully Supported
Tags: backblazeb2
Last updated
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